Veneers FAQ

If my teeth are reshaped for veneers or crowns, what will they look like? Will they be sensitive?
Generally, cemented restorations, such as crowns or veneers (see the procedure section), will require two visits: one to shape the teeth and one to cement the restorations to the teeth. Between visits, your dentist can place attractive provisional restorations to help prevent sensitivity, allow limited function, and provide a nice smile. These temporaries are designed to be in your mouth for a limited time, but should be comfortable and natural looking until your new smile is completed.
If I have veneers will I get cavities?
There is no higher or lower incidence of tooth decay with veneers as long as they receive proper care.
How long do porcelain veneers last?
The expected lifetime of a porcelain veneer is somewhere between seven and 20 years. Veneers sometimes come off or chip. If this happens, they can be repaired or replaced. Also, over time, the living tooth and gum tissue around the veneers will undergo changes that may require alterations to your veneers.
How do I get veneers to match my other teeth?
This concern will be addressed by your dental professional. Most people get their veneers in a whiter shade than their natural teeth and then undergo tooth whitening to create a matching aesthetic.
Do porcelain veneers stain?
No, porcelain veneers should never stain. Learn more about veneers.
Does dental insurance cover porcelain veneers?
It depends on your dental insurance. Some insurance companies will cover up to 50% of a fee they see as reasonable, but don’t expect payment without first discussing the procedure with your dentist and insurance provider.